1 | Madressa Building |
20 Room | 20511 sq ft. |
2 | School Building |
18 Room | 10140 sq ft. |
3 | Hostel Building |
25 Room + Dining Hall | 27611 sq ft |
4 | Masjid |
12793 sq ft | |
5 | Kitchen & Store Room |
4 Room | 3400 sq ft |
6 | Staff Quaters Old |
10 | 8000 sq ft |
7 | Staff Quaters New |
12 | 11621 sq ft |
8 | Water Tank |
1,00,000 ltr | |
9 | Dhobi Ghaat |
346 sq ft | |
Total | =94,422 sq ft |
Darul Yatama Madrassah Arabiyya Talimuddin Bharuch Trust is a charity registered with the
Bharuch Charity Waqaf board and supports the Darul Yatama Orphanage in Bharuch.